Implement the strategic planning process to make measurable progress toward achieving your company’s vision and make decisions that will keep you on the path to success for years to come.
How to Simplify Your PPC Processes (and How Lucidchart Can Help)
Learn how Mallory Reese has used Lucidchart with PPC marketing, from mapping out AdWords account structure to documenting the revenue reporting process.
As you may have noticed from user stories on our blog and our creative flowcharts, you can build a flowchart for just about any purpose to visualize any idea or process. Get started with these flowchart templates and examples!
3 Communication Hacks for Project Management Processes
Want to learn how to kill email novels and decrease your explanatory text by 78%? Keep reading for some communication hacks for project management processes that will take your communication to the next level of clarity.
Six Sigma process mapping: Why it matters and how to get started
Learn everything you need to know about Six Sigma process mapping, including benefits, step-by-step instructions, and different types of process maps you can use.