Process improvement
We'll give you the tools you need to visualize, optimize, and scale business processes.
Webisodes with Alec Sharp: The case for action
In this blog post, we will summarize the fourth webisode from Alec Sharp, senior consultant at Clariteq, which he did with Lucidchart on building support for change, and the three major steps for taking action.
Webisodes with Alec Sharp: Methodology for business process change
In this blog post, we will summarize the third webisode from Alec Sharp, senior consultant at Clariteq, which he did with Lucidchart on the methodology for business process change.
The power of real-time data visualization
In this blog post, you will discover the importance of real-time data visualization, the benefits, best practices, and where you can get help.
Webisodes with Alec Sharp: Discovering business processes within your organization
In this blog post, we will summarize the first and second webisodes Alec Sharp, senior consultant at Clariteq, did with Lucidchart about discovering your organization’s business processes and activities.
Setting up standardized work and Lean manufacturing
Learn what the standardized work principle is, plus how documenting the procedures and ensuring that your employees are sufficiently trained will help your operations run smoothly and efficiently.
Top frameworks for strategic planning
Look at some strategic planning frameworks that will help you to see where you can improve, define your goals, and map out the processes and procedures you will use to keep achieving your goals.
Why you must continuously evaluate and improve business processes
As businesses scale and try to innovate to keep up with the competition, the need to evaluate current practices and improve processes becomes inevitable. Learn more about why process improvement is essential.
Why visuals are the best method of process documentation
Learn the purpose of process documentation, the benefits of maintaining and updating process documentation, and why you should use visuals as part of this process.
What an effective sales onboarding process looks like
We've got the secrets to improve the sales onboarding process. Includes free resources!
How to implement new work processes successfully
You've put a lot of work into analyzing and improving your processes, but all that work is for naught if people don't adopt the new standard. Create a plan to implement new processes and get employees on board from the start.
How to avoid switchtasking
Switchtasking is defined as switching rapidly between two tasks or actions—and it can be detrimental to your productivity. Learn how you can manage your time more effectively by avoiding switchtasking at work.
Six Sigma tools you need to improve your processes
Whether you need to perform root cause analysis or control quality, we've got the ultimate list of Six Sigma tools that can be easily applied to any project or organization. Templates included!