Business architecture example

This business architecture example template can help you:

  • Show high-level relationships across your business operations and strategy.
  • Stop business silos.
  • Collaborate with your colleagues.

Open this template to view a detailed example of a business architecture diagram that you can customize to your use case.

Use this template
Business architecture example example

What is the business architecture example?

The purpose of the business architecture diagram is to visually outline the various objectives and operations within a business. Our template is designed to help users define and communicate the relationships between business ops and strategy.

Benefits of using the business architecture example

Use the business architecture template to clearly visualize the key structures within your business and their respective focus areas. Prevent silos and foster enhanced collaboration across teams with clearly defined focus areas, objectives, and projects. Easily share your canvas with relevant stakeholders to encourage collaboration and alignment while surfacing your best ideas from team members.

How to use the business architecture example in Lucidchart

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your business architecture template:

  • Open your template and fill out the strategy, corporate support, production, and business capabilities boxes with your own information.
  • Create a diagram key to improve the clarity and accessibility of your visuals.
  • Import relevant data to provide important context for your business architecture.
  • Create a multi-layered diagram to include important information in your business architecture without overwhelming your canvas.
  • Use actions and hotspots to create links to outside sources, enact shortcuts within your diagram, and more.
  • Easily share via integrations with Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to share ideas and gain feedback from relevant stakeholders.

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