Diagramly Alternative

Lucidchart is a Diagramly alternative for those who need a more adaptable, full-featured diagramming program. It’s in the cloud, so no installations are required.
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Affordable options

Free tools are wonderful, which is why Lucidchart offers a completely free version to all users and premium free accounts to students and educators.

Do you need top-notch security and team management features? Lucidchart lets you easily upgrade your account.

Better collaboration

Both Diagramly and Lucidchart are hosted online, so they’re available from any operating system or browser. But only Lucidchart provides its own secure collaboration platform.

Switch to our program to try comments and video chats that sync instantly.

Diagramly Lucidchart

Operating systems

MacWindowsLinux MacWindowsLinux

Sharing, chatting, and real-time collaborating

(without any additional products)

half check check

Flexible upgrade/downgrade options

Visio import & export

(including Visio stencils)


Extensive templates and shape libraries

halt check check

Frequent product additions


Visio Compatibility

Our product is the clear leader when it comes to Visio interoperability. In seconds, users can import and export Visio documents and stencils—including .vsd, .vsdx, .vdx, .vss, and .vdx files.

Large organizations will also appreciate our bulk Visio import feature.

Easy diagramming

Making diagrams shouldn’t be difficult. Lucidchart cuts through the learning curve to deliver a product that’s immediately accessible. Enjoy the advantages of themed layouts, customizable templates, drag-and-drop technology, and a clean, intuitive interface.

Import Visio files

Lucidchart is one of the few applications that can import documents from Microsoft Visio. Once you’re online, it's easy to collaborate with team members.

Fully integrated

Our numerous integrations make Lucidchart the perfect solution for your team. If you are using Google Apps, you can integrate your domain with Lucidchart and organize your team from there. We also offer an easy-to-use team admin panel.

Simple sharing

Since Lucidchart is hosted on the web, sharing is that much easier. Try posting a funny flowchart on social media, or share a sensitive document securely through email. You can also download your diagrams in a variety of image formats for web sharing or printing.

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